Creating an avatar from a 3-D selfie

Generating a 3D duplicate of someone without the aid of a Hollywood studio: this is the challenge taken up by EPFL researchers, who have successfully condensed an expensive and complex process to use only a smartphone camera.

Hollywood studios lose landmark download case

Top Hollywood film studios Friday failed in their attempt to stem the flow of illegal downloads when they lost a landmark appeal against an Australian Internet provider.

'Three strikes' for the Web

Faced with a pandemic of online piracy, Hollywood studios and the major record labels have pressed governments around the world to make it easier for them to enforce their copyrights. In particular, they've tried to shift ...

3-D means headaches to many, yet companies push on

From Hollywood studios to Japanese TV makers, powerful business interests are betting 3-D will be the future of entertainment, despite a major drawback: It makes millions of people uncomfortable or sick.

'Digital living room' getting closer

The digital living room is still under construction, but consumers can now get a glimpse of what it might look like.

Miramax films stream to Facebook

Hollywood studio Miramax on Monday began making some of its films available for online viewing as rentals at social networking powerhouse Facebook.

Warner looks beyond movies to find game success

"The Dark Knight Rises" doesn't hit movie theaters for nine months, but Batman is at the heart of what may just be Warner Bros.' most important release of the fall.

Judge tells Zediva to stop web streaming of movies

(AP) -- A federal judge in Los Angeles issued a preliminary injunction favoring the Motion Picture Association of America in its copyright infringement lawsuit against video-streaming startup Zediva.

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