Researchers discover new way to power electrical devices

A team of University of Alberta engineers developed a new way to produce electrical power that can charge handheld devices or sensors that monitor anything from pipelines to medical implants.The discovery sets a new world ...

New technology for land mine detection

In Colombia, large areas are teeming with mines that are almost impossible to detect with traditional methods. In collaboration with partners from South America, engineers at the German Ruhr-Universität Bochum and Technical ...

Apple raises iPhone prices in Germany over new content levy

Apple raised the prices for hand-held devices in Germany at the start of the year, following a deal between the tech industry and content producers that will benefit a range of creative professionals including musicians, ...

The Facebook of plant science

By building PhotosynQ - a handheld device with sensors and an online data-sharing and analysis platform - a team of Michigan State University researchers is creating the plant-science equivalent of Facebook.

Special delivery: Marines dial up faster logistics at tech demo

Marines in Hawaii recently demonstrated that handheld devices and automation software could speed delivery of critical supplies to the front lines and even help planners determine when and where items will be needed ahead ...

Researchers developing smaller micromanipulators

Micromanipulators are used for precision procedures such as medical surgery and cell manipulation, where a higher level of dexterity is required than is achievable with the human hand. The micromanipulator is often part of ...

Mobile use bad for school test scores: Japan study

Children who spend more than four hours a day on their mobile phone perform significantly worse on school tests than those who are limited to just 30 minutes, a Japanese government survey has found.

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