Geologists cite hair as 'human provenance tool'

Scott Samson, professor of Earth sciences and a faculty fellow of the Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute (FNSSI), is leading a multiyear study of strontium (Sr), a metallic element found in igneous rock, as ...

Black bears on the move in upstate New York

The black bear population in southern New York has grown and expanded their range since the early 1990s, which has led to increased encounters with humans. But details about bear populations in the state have remained understudied.

Confirming the risks of pesticide use in Burkina Faso

Poor pesticide practices in Burkina Faso pose a threat to human health and the environment. An EPFL thesis has quantified this problem for the first time through an analysis of soil, water, sediment, vegetable and hair samples.

Identifying pesticides in hair

For her Master's project in environmental sciences, Christelle Oltramare collected 110 hair samples in Burkina Faso and came up with a process for identifying several types of pesticides.

Scientists find persistent organic pollutants in animal fur

Scientists of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), working as part of an international toxicologists' team, studied fur samples of wild terrestrial mammals in Primorye, Russia. All samples contained persistent organic ...

Great apes, small numbers

Sumatran orangutans have undergone a substantial recent population decline, according to a new genetic study, but the same research revealed the existence of critical corridors for dispersal migrations that, if protected, ...

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