Videogame makers racing to develop iPad games

As an electronic reader, Apple's iPad has been touted as a possible "Kindle killer" but what has videogame makers buzzing is the potential of the touchscreen tablet computer as a gaming platform.

Blackberry buddies up to game developers

Research In Motion (RIM) on Monday announced it is making Blackberry devices friendlier to game applications, as the business-oriented smartphones try to show a more playful side.

Facebook adds 'app' passwords to site security

Facebook is ramping up security by giving people the option of setting passwords for games or other third-party applications added to pages at the leading online social network.

Speech technology enables kids to control video game

Kids needed to say just two words - "jump" and "go" - to control a video game called Mole Madness, but Disney researchers had to design a speech technology system capable of sorting through the overlapping speech, social ...

Google Play growing fast, survey finds

Google's online Play shop of applications for Android-powered smartphones or tablets is growing fast, a report released Thursday by market tracker Distimo said.

Facebook toys with mobile game publishing

Facebook on Tuesday got into the business of publishing mobile games, offering developers help at going global with smartphone or tablet titles in exchange for a share of revenue.

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