Surprise! This eukaryote completely lacks mitochondria

Mitochondria are membrane-bound components within cells that are often described as the cells' powerhouses. They've long been considered as essential components for life in eukaryotes, the group including plants, fungi, animals, ...

New technology selects high-affinity proteins

Kobe University and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan have developed a technology enabling the selection of proteins with a high affinity for drug target molecules (also ...

Researchers describe the role of water in protein folding

A study developed by researchers at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona (UB), published in the journal Physical Review Letters, describes the contribution of water to the three-dimensional structure of proteins ...

Inntags: New tools for innocuous protein tagging

The study, published today at Nature Methods (the most prestigious journal for the presentation of results in methods development), proposes the use of two plant protein epitopes, named inntags, as the most innocuous and ...

Oskar's structure revealed

The structure of two parts of the Oskar protein, known to be essential for the development of reproductive cells, has been solved by scientists from EMBL Heidelberg.

New type of drug can target all disease-causing proteins

Current drugs block the actions of only about a quarter of known disease-causing proteins, but Yale University researchers have developed a technology capable of not just inhibiting, but destroying every protein it targets.

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