Remarkable flares from the galactic center

Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, is 100 times closer to us than any other SMBH and therefore a prime candidate for studies of how matter radiates as it accretes onto ...

Mountains create biodiversity

Mountains are among the most biodiverse places on Earth, but scientists have struggled to fully understand why they are so important in creating high species richness. An international research team, including four scientists ...

Morphological transitions of biological filaments under flow

The study of complex suspensions made of particles suspended in a simple fluid has been growing lately, with many opportunities for industry or lab-on-a-chip technology. The macroscopic flow properties of these suspensions ...

New data to improve models of atmosphere circulation

A team of scientists from the Institute of Mechanics, MSU, demonstrated how random fluctuations in the rotation speed and noise influence the number of vortexes in the Couette spherical flow. They report that the level of ...

Researchers succeed in imaging quantum events

Quantum technology is a growing field of physics and engineering which utilizes properties of quantum mechanics as a basis for advanced practical applications such as quantum computing, sensors, information, communication ...

Arctic seabird populations respond to climate change

Seabirds such as gulls can be key indicators of environmental change as their populations respond to shifts in their ocean habitat over time. A new study from The Auk: Ornithological Advances investigates how several species ...

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