Male choosiness emerges when females have multiple partners

Academy researchers Mikael Puurtinen and Lutz Fromhage at the Department of Biological and Environmental Science of the University of Jyväskylä and the Centre of Excellence in Biological Interactions have found out that ...

Mate-guarding behaviour favours a familiar face

Okayama University researchers confirm the role of mate-guarding in males for blocking the female's visual familiarity with rival males to improve mating success in a medaka fish model.

How women can deal with periods in space

Who was the first woman to have her period in space? What is it like changing sanitary products while being weightless? And why doesn't menstrual flow just float up into the body when gravity isn't around?

Male koalas raise their voices to avoid conflict

A team of international scientists has tracked the love lives of koalas, uncovering some curious behaviours and finding that male koalas make their distinct bellows to avoid confrontation with competitors.

Female mice do not avoid mating with unhealthy males

Female mice are attracted more strongly to the odour of healthy males than unhealthy males. This had already been shown in an earlier study by researchers from the Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology at the Vetmeduni Vienna. ...

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