Measuring the true cost of conservation

For decades, scientists have been warning about potential future effects of global climate change, including more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought, and sharp increases in the number, duration, and intensity of ...

Using quantum smoothing for optical phase estimation

( -- "There are many situations where we need to measure the classical properties of a quantum system," Elanor Huntington tells "Optical phase estimation is one of these techniques, and it is central ...

Chemically scrubbing CO2 from the air too expensive

( -- While it is possible to chemically scrub carbon dioxide from Earth's atmosphere in order to lessen the severity of global warming, the process is prohibitively expensive for now. Best to focus on controls ...

Horseshoe crabs: 'Living fossils' vital for vaccine safety

On a bright moonlit night, a team of scientists and volunteers head out to a protected beach along the Delaware Bay to survey horseshoe crabs that spawn in their millions along the US East Coast from late spring to early ...

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