Doubling data density

An electronic device that could lead to smaller, low-power memory chips can now be controlled and probed by light, as revealed by research from KAUST.

Scientists develop plastic flexible magnetic memory device

Associate Professor Yang Hyunsoo from the National University of Singapore led a research team to successfully embed a powerful magnetic memory chip on a flexible plastic material. This malleable memory chip hails a breakthrough ...

Atoms placed precisely in silicon can act as quantum simulator

In a proof-of-principle experiment, researchers at UNSW Australia have demonstrated that a small group of individual atoms placed very precisely in silicon can act as a quantum simulator, mimicking nature - in this case, ...

Physicists prove new potential for silicon chips

Scientists have opened a door to faster, cheaper telecommunications after proving a new link between silicon chips and 'rare-earth' metals used in internet signalling.

Samsung launches industry's first 12Gb LPDDR4 DRAM

Samsung Electronics announced that it is mass producing the industry's first 12-gigabit (Gb) LPDDR4 (low power, double data rate 4) mobile DRAM, based on its advanced 20-nanometer (nm) process technology.

Research could lead to biodegradable computer chips

Portable electronics - typically made of non-renewable, non-biodegradable and potentially toxic materials - are discarded at an alarming rate in consumers' pursuit of the next best electronic gadget.

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