Researchers create stable superconductor enhanced by magnetism

An international team including researchers from the University of Würzburg has succeeded in creating a special state of superconductivity. This discovery could advance the development of quantum computers. The results are ...

Restraint improves dielectric performance, lifespan

Just as a corset improves the appearance of its wearer by keeping everything tightly together, rigidly constraining insulating materials in electrical components can increase their energy density and decrease their rates ...

Tunable plastic thermometers

( -- Researchers at the Universities of Queensland and New South Wales in Australia have discovered that the ability of a plastic to conduct electricity can be tuned by exposure to an ion beam. Usually plastics ...

Scientists uncover how to stop cyber intrusions

U.S. Army-funded researchers at the University of California in Los Angles have found a proverbial smoking gun signature of the long sought-after Majorana particle, and the find, they say, could block intruders on sensitive ...

Scientists describe a novel way to manipulate exotic materials

An advance in a topological insulator material—whose interior behaves like an electrical insulator but whose surface behaves like a conductor—could revolutionize the fields of next-generation electronics and quantum computing, ...

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