ARM asks Khronos for OpenCL nod for Midgard GPU

( -- ARM wastes no time taking every opportunity to prove its reputation as "GPU computing" kingpins. GPU computing is seen as having a bright future, where the computational performance of the GPU, which was historically ...

Free apps drain smartphone energy on 'advertising modules'

( -- Researchers have shown that popular free smartphone apps spend up to 75 percent of their energy tracking the user's geographical location, sending information about the user to advertisers and downloading ...

Evolutionary lessons for wind farm efficiency

Evolution is providing the inspiration for University of Adelaide computer science research to find the best placement of turbines to increase wind farm productivity.

A research project helps reduce the cost of parallel computing

Heterogeneous parallel computing combines various processing elements with different characteristics that share a single memory system. Normally multiple cores (like the 'multicores' in some smart phones or personal computers) ...

Scientists find asymmetry in topological insulators

New research shows that a class of materials being eyed for the next generation of computers behaves asymmetrically at the sub-atomic level. This research is a key step toward understanding the topological insulators that ...

'Approximate computing' improves efficiency, saves energy

( —Researchers are developing computers capable of "approximate computing" to perform calculations good enough for certain tasks that don't require perfect accuracy, potentially doubling efficiency and reducing ...

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