Related topics: species · climate change

Transforming urban systems: Toward sustainability

Urban areas are on the rise and changing rapidly in form and function, with spillover effects on virtually all areas of the Earth. The UN estimates that by 2050, 68% of the world's population will reside in urban areas. In ...

Ecologists suggest it is time to rethink the modern lawn

A pair of urban ecologists, one from Australia, the other Sweden, suggests in a Perspective piece published in the journal Science that it might be time to rethink the idea of the modern lawn. In their paper, Maria Ignatieva ...

Immune system study could help conserve endangered species

( —A study by University of Georgia ecologists has found that diversity in mammal immune system genes may have more to do with the opportunity to choose a mate than with exposure to parasites.

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

Suppose you held in your hands a bunch of individuals from different species, sort of like a miniature Jumanji set. You have some cows, some bacteria, some plants, some bugs, and a whole bunch of other living things. You ...

Marine life spawns sooner as oceans warm

Warming oceans are impacting the breeding patterns and habitat of marine life, effectively re-arranging the broader marine landscape as species adjust to a changing climate, according to a three-year international study published ...

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