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Cyber threats expanding, new US intelligence assessment says

(AP)—The U.S. has elevated its appraisal of the cyber threat from Russia, the U.S. intelligence chief said Thursday, as he delivered the annual assessment by intelligence agencies of the top dangers facing the country.

US State Dept blocks thousands of hack attacks every day

The State Department faces thousands of cyber attacks every day, a top US official said Friday, refusing to confirm that hackers who breached their system in November were reportedly still lurking in the network.

Tech barons paint rosy future at Davos despite security fears

Technological advances are to explode 10 times faster than even the Internet boom in the 1990s, top tech tycoons told the global Davos elite Wednesday, but also warned that security threats would be worse this year than ever.

Hackers test, teach computer pros at Cyber Range

You won't find this town on a map, but it's a very scary place. In Alphaville, a virtual town used for cyber security training, the banks are robbed on a regular basis, the power plant and water system are under constant ...

Who pulled the plug on North Korea's Internet?

North Korea's Internet was on the fritz for a second day Tuesday. But the US is staying silent on whether it launched a cyber attack as payback for the hacking of Sony Pictures.

N.Korea's Internet collapses after Sony hack (Update)

North Korea's Internet went dark for several hours amid rumors of US retaliation over its alleged hacking of a Hollywood studio, just as the pariah state came under attack at the UN over its rights record.

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