Russian scientists on the verge of solving the 'muon puzzle'

It may only take scientists a few more years to solve one of the biggest puzzles in modern elementary particle physics, the so-called "muon puzzle." Russian scientists from the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) ...

AugerPrime looks for cosmic superaccelerators

The Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, an international large-scale experiment to study cosmic rays, will be continued until 2025 and extended to "AugerPrime". The observatory, for the project management of which Karlsruhe ...

Dark matter and particle acceleration in near space

Peering into darkness can strike fear into the hearts of some, but a new space telescope will soon peer into the darkness of "near space" (within a few thousand light years of Earth). Scientists are using the telescope to ...

Fortifying computer chips for space travel

Space is cold, dark, and lonely. Deadly, too, if any one of a million things goes wrong on your spaceship. It's certainly no place for a computer chip to fail, which can happen due to the abundance of radiation bombarding ...

The cosmic start of lightning

Even though lightning is a common phenomenon, the exact mechanism triggering a lightning discharge remains elusive. Scientists at the Dutch national research institute for mathematics CWI, the University of Groningen and ...

Image: Cloud chamber at Le Bourget

VIP visitors to the ESA pavilion at Le Bourget peer into a 'cloud chamber', which reveals the tracks of cosmic ray particles that continuously but invisibly pelt our planet.

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