Snow may have delayed some blooms for the first day of spring

The first day of spring, when daylight hours begin to exceed nighttime hours, seems especially significant this year—record warm temperatures in the Northwest are marking the change of seasons. But our blooms may be a couple ...

Bitter cold in January likely won't reduce field crop pests

Despite record cold air temperatures, soil temperatures averaged slightly warmer than normal in Illinois this winter. Consequently, the arctic conditions are expected to have little effect on overwintering field crop insect ...

Extreme heat increasing in both summer and winter

A new study shows extreme heat events both in the summer and in the winter are increasing across the U.S. and Canada, while extreme cold events in summer and winter are declining.

Study confirms beetles exploit warm winters to expand range

A new study by Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists and colleagues confirms that increasing minimum winter temperatures allow beetles to expand their range but reveals that overcrowding can put the brakes on population ...

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