Study identifies characteristics specific to human brains

Researchers led by a team at UT Southwestern Medical Center have identified cellular and molecular features of the brain that set modern humans apart from their closest primate relatives and ancient human ancestors. The findings, ...

Unraveling a debate on insect cognition

There's a debate among insect-cognition researchers, but the two camps have been arguing for so many decades that many onlookers are no longer sure what they are arguing about. SFI Postdoctoral Fellow Kelle Dhein, a philosopher ...

How AI can use classroom conversations to predict academic success

The recent shift towards e-learning and online classrooms can provide valuable insight into patterns and behaviors that make students successful. Using the help of AI, researchers have determined what those patterns and behaviors ...

Cognitive performance linked to longer lifespan in wild primates

Cognitive abilities not only vary among different species but also among individuals within the same species. It is expected that smarter individuals live longer, as they are likely to make better decisions, regarding habitat ...

Cognitive flexibility moderates teacher stress, shows study

As part of their work, educators are often exposed to various stressful events, including violence between students or towards teachers, sexual assault and suicidal behavior, as well as death or illness of students or their ...

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