Envisioning supercomputers of the future

Last year, President Obama announced the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI), an executive order to increase research, development and deployment of high performance computing (HPC) in the United States, with the ...

How strong is gravity on other planets?

Gravity is a fundamental force of physics, one which we Earthlings tend to take for granted. You can't really blame us. Having evolved over the course of billions of years in Earth's environment, we are used to living with ...

Water, water, everywhere – where to drink in the solar system

Science fiction movies about aliens threatening the Earth routinely ascribe them the motive of coming here to steal our resources, most often our water. This is ill thought-out, as water is actually extremely common. Any ...

Detecting malicious files uploaded to cloud services

A powerful new computer security tool, called XDet, can detect malicious files being uploaded to a cloud computing service is reported this month in the International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing by researchers ...

What is the Oort Cloud?

For thousands of years, astronomers have watched comets travel close to Earth and light up the night sky. In time, these observations led to a number of paradoxes. For instance, where were these comets all coming from? And ...

Gaia produces stellar density map of the Milky Way

This image, based on housekeeping data from ESA's Gaia satellite, is no ordinary depiction of the heavens. While the image portrays the outline of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, and of its neighbouring Magellanic Clouds, it was ...

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