Black holes on an electronic chip

A team of theoretical physicists has proposed a way to simulate black holes on an electronic chip. Additionally, the technology used to create these lab-made black holes may be useful for quantum technologies. The researchers ...

Quantum photonic researchers start new company, Sparrow Quantum

There is incredible potential in quantum technology for unbreakable communication and new superfast computers and with a new technological invention quantum technology is storming ahead. Researchers in the research group ...

New Intel chip technology designed to foil hackers

Intel Tuesday announced a chip technology that the company said was designed to foil hackers who use fake emails to trick employees into revealing their usernames and passwords.

Skyscraper-style chip design boosts performance 1,000-fold

For decades, engineers have designed computer systems with processors and memory chips laid out like single-story structures in a suburb. Wires connect these chips like streets, carrying digital traffic between the processors ...

Photons open the gateway for quantum networks

There is tremendous potential for new information technology based on light (photons). Photons (light particles) are very well suited for carrying information and quantum technology based on photons—called quantum photonics, ...

New technology in credit cards leads to headaches for some

Millions of Americans are getting new credit and debit cards with more secure chip technology, and that's already leading to headaches for companies that rely on working cards to charge their customers every month.

New optical chip lights up the race for quantum computer

The microprocessor inside a computer is a single multipurpose chip that has revolutionised people's life, allowing them to use one machine to surf the web, check emails and keep track of finances.

Quantum networks: Back and forth are not equal distances

Quantum technology based on light (photons) has great potential for radically new information technology based on photonic circuits. Up to now, the photons in quantum photonic circuits have behaved in the same way whether ...

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