Catalyst study advances carbon-dioxide-to-ethanol conversion

An international collaboration of scientists has taken a significant step toward the realization of a nearly "green" zero-net-carbon technology that will efficiently convert carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, and hydrogen ...

Graphene can be used to detect COVID-19 quickly, accurately

Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago have successfully used graphene—one of the strongest, thinnest known materials—to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus in laboratory experiments. The researchers say the discovery ...

Cyclic hypervalent bromines act as aryne precursors

Diaryl λ3-bromanes are a rare and generally unresearched class of compounds. A mild and efficient protocol now delivers a broad palette of these interesting building blocks for organic synthesis. As a French research team ...

Plastics could see a second life as biodegradable surfactants

Scientists at the Institute for Cooperative Upcycling of Plastics (iCOUP), an Energy Frontier Research Center led by Ames Laboratory, have discovered a chemical process that provides biodegradable, valuable chemicals, which ...

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