Economic growth will not feed the hungry, say researchers

(Medical Xpress)—New research on India's rural poor has revealed that the country's impressive economic growth has not made a significant dent in its low levels of adult and child nutrition.

Expanding gas mining threatens our climate, water and health

Australia, like its competitors Qatar, Canada and the United States, aspires to become the world's largest exporter of gas, arguing this helps importing nations reduce their greenhouse emissions by replacing coal.

Heat stress in dairy cows shown to damage health of calves

As scientists continue to explore the wide-ranging effects of heat stress on the health of dairy cattle, a new study by researchers from the University of Florida, published in the September issue of JDS Communications, adds ...

Dietary nucleotide offers new insight for sow breeding

Maternal nutrition status plays a vital role in the growth and development of the major fetal organ systems, and fetal growth is dramatically increased during late gestation while nutrient requirements of sows increase significantly ...

Health of future generations determined by childhood conditions

( -- A growing body of economic research, published in the latest issue of Research in Public Policy, finds compelling evidence that the conditions to which children are exposed in their early and even foetal ...

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