Bacteria tracked feeding nitrogen to nutrient-starved plants

With rising populations and changing climate conditions, the need for resilient and reliable crops has never been greater. Nitrogen—an essential element for plant growth—is often woefully absent in heavily farmed land. ...

How big does your quantum computer need to be?

Quantum computers are expected to be disruptive and potentially impact many industry sectors. So researchers in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands decided to explore two very different quantum problems: breaking the encryption ...

Fixing soybean's need for nitrogen

Soybean is rich in protein, which is great for the humans and animals eating it. But this high protein content comes at a cost.

Study on bacteria-invading virus yields new discoveries

Innovative work by two Florida State University scientists that shows the structural and DNA breakdown of a bacteria-invading virus is being featured on the cover of the February issue of the journal Virology.

An energy-efficiency lead for nitrogen fertilizer production

Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are essential in modern agriculture and crucial to meeting the ever-growing global food demand. Nitrogen fertilizer, in the form of ammonia, is produced now in the same way that it has ...

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