Organic carbon from Mars, but not biological

( -- Molecules containing large chains of carbon and hydrogen--the building blocks of all life on Earth--have been the targets of missions to Mars from Viking to the present day. While these molecules have previously ...

Missing link explains mRNA delivery in brain cells

Brain cells manufacture proteins in every corner, including their long branches. Neurons missing this ability cause severe neurological disorders like disability and epilepsy. The groups of Marino Zerial, Max Planck Institute ...

Inspired by genetics, chemistry finally takes hold of its own code

Nature proves every day that it is both complex and efficient. Organic chemists are envious of it; their conventional tools confine them to simpler achievements. Thanks to the work of professor Stefan Matile's team from the ...

That's cool! Flash-frozen pictures reveal molecular world

A groundbreaking technique awarded the Nobel Chemistry Prize on Wednesday has allowed scientists, using unearthly cold temperatures, to produce exquisitely detailed images of the tiniest structures in cells.

How quantum light sees quantum sound

Researchers at the University of East Anglia have proposed a new way of using quantum light to "see" quantum sound.

Could coral reefs become sponge reefs in the future?

International research has suggested that many coral species won't survive beyond the end of this century, but marine biologists at Victoria University are offering an alternative scenario.

Scientists create custom 3D structures with 'DNA origami'

BOSTON--By combining the art of origami with nanotechnology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers have folded sheets of DNA into multilayered objects with dimensions thousands of times smaller than the thickness of a ...

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