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British panda given helping hand in quest for cub

Experts at Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland have artificially inseminated Britain's only female giant panda Tian Tian after she failed to mate with her male partner, Yang Guang, the zoo announced on Sunday.

Removing gender bias from algorithms

Machine learning is ubiquitous in our daily lives. Every time we talk to our smartphones, search for images or ask for restaurant recommendations, we are interacting with machine learning algorithms. They take as input large ...

Endangered Sumatran rhino gives birth in Indonesia

A critically endangered Sumatran rhinoceros was born Saturday at an Indonesian sanctuary, only the fourth birth in captivity in more than a century, boosting survival hopes for the species, say conservationists.

Noise may shorten sparrow lives, study finds

The noise of cars honking and zooming through the streets may shorten the lifespan of sparrows growing up near the clamour, scientists said Wednesday.

Study: Gen Z has the lowest financial literacy

Financial literacy is low within each of the five generations—the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z—but is the lowest among Gen Z, according to a new report by the TIAA Institute and the Global Financial ...

Babies learn mum's unique odour

Researchers show for the first time that a mammal begins to suckle its mother's milk through a learned response built on learning her unique combination of smells. When it is born, the newborn is exposed to the smell of its ...

Dinosaur brains from baby to adult

New research by a University of Bristol palaeontology post-graduate student has revealed fresh insights into how the braincase of the dinosaur Psittacosaurus developed and how this tells us about its posture.

Toxic masculinity is unsafe... for men

The belief that "real men" must be strong, tough and independent may be a detriment to their social needs later in life. A study co-authored by a Michigan State University sociologist found that men who endorse hegemonic ...

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