UK town using fuel from human waste

( -- A town in Oxfordshire has become the first in the UK to have biomethane gas generated from human waste piped to their homes for gas central heating and cooking.

Dog park lit by dog poop

( -- A methane digester called "Park Spark" has been installed in a dog park in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The device produces methane by bacterial digestion of the dog excrement, and the methane is used to light ...

New oxygen producing mechanism proposed

( -- Photosynthesis is the mechanism by which plants generate oxygen, but new research on a novel type of anaerobic bacteria supports the theory that bacteria produced their own oxygen long before the evolution ...

Flowing fluids shape the social life of gut microbes

A groundbreaking study reveals that the flow of fluids influences the spatial organization of bacterial communities that inhabit our intestines, revealing an overlooked factor potentially mediating our microbiome and gut ...

A step toward "living biotherapeutics"

The human gut is home to thousands of species of bacteria, and some of those bacteria have the potential to treat a variety of gastrointestinal diseases. Some species may help to combat colon cancer, while others could help ...

Scientists provide new insights into the citric acid cycle

Researchers led by Professors Ivan Berg (University of Münster) and Wolfgang Eisenreich (TUM) report new insights into the citric acid cycle: Certain bacteria can use this central metabolic pathway "backward," but to do ...

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