Vine removal technique foils devastating grape disease

Removing not only a diseased grapevine but the two vines on either side of it can reduce the incidence of leafroll disease, a long-standing bane of vineyards around the world, Cornell researchers have found.

'We're her real mum': Lesbian parents face healthcare challenges

Over the last few decades, legal reform and evolving attitudes towards LGBTQ+ people have significantly changed family demographics in the UK. Prior to 2005, children in England could not be adopted by people in a relationship ...

Unraveling the mechanisms that control parental care in birds

When animals become parents, they often need to change their behaviors in ways that allow them to protect and ensure the survival of their offspring. What happens in the brain when an animal becomes a new parent?

How anxiety—and hope—can drive new product adoption

Researchers from University of New South Wales, University of Southern California, and Imperial College London published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that analyzes how varying levels of hope and anxiety about outcomes ...

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