Hollywood v Silicon Valley in US piracy battle

The anti-piracy battle gripping Washington and the Internet pits two US West Coast power bases directly against each other: Hollywood is taking on Silicon Valley over the right to make money online.

The Amazon is on fire: Here are 5 things you need to know

Record fires are raging in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, with more than 2,500 fires currently burning. They are collectively emitting huge amounts of carbon, with smoke plumes visible thousands of kilometers away.

Censoring social media fans flames of social unrest

Is social media censorship a means to quell a modern uprising? Some politicians and law enforcers during the political turbulence of 2011 thought so but recent research suggests that uncensored citizens experience less violence ...

Disney's 'Tron' movie reverse-ages Jeff Bridges

(AP) -- Hollywood has famously had better luck using makeup to make young actors look old - like Russell Crowe in "A Beautiful Mind" - than making old actors look young. But the ability to manipulate images digitally could ...

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