Predicting X-ray absorption spectra from graphs

X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a popular characterization technique for probing the local atomic structure and electronic properties of materials and molecules. Because atoms of each element absorb X-rays at characteristic ...

Researchers find new shape for hydrophobic molecules in water

The embedding of hydrophobic molecules in water looks quite different than previously assumed. In water, hydrophobic molecules are surrounded by a two different water populations: the inner shell forms a two-dimensional network ...

New tool to measure aerosol optical hygroscopicity

Researchers at Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science recently developed a humidified cavity-enhanced albedometer (H-CEA) which could simultaneously measure relative-humidity-dependent ...

Saturable plasmonic metasurfaces for laser mode locking

Plasmonic metasurfaces are artificial 2-D sheets of plasmonic unit cells repeated in a subwavelength array, which give rise to unexpected wave properties that do not exist in nature. In the linear regime, their applications ...

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