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Can toddlers help explain the origins of our bias for wealth?

Income and wealth inequality in the U.S. remain near all-time highs. Analysts say this disparity is a "major issue of our time." Experts have spotlighted deep policy failures fueling the problem and helpful economic fixes ...

Will customers accept less meat in their cafeteria meals?

Meat consumption in industrial nations is much too high and this not only increases the risk of e.g. cardiovascular diseases. Increasing levels of animal husbandry also aggravate the global food problem because the cultivation ...

Reducing smartphone use found to increase work satisfaction

On average, we spend three and a quarter hours a day looking at our phones. Cutting back this time by one hour a day is not only good for our mental health, but also helps us to feel happier and more motivated at work.

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Are algorithms and LLMs changing our conception of literature?
Social Sciences
How perpetrators of domestic violence use drugs and alcohol to control their victims
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The Trump–Harris debate shows how personality can reveal itself in language
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Saved from extinction? New modeling suggests a hopeful future for te reo Māori language
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A liberal exodus? Report reveals political diversity of new Russian migrants
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Disappearing scientists: Attrition and retention patterns of 2.1 million scientists in 38 OECD countries
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Early autonomy over AI boosts employee motivation, researchers suggest
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Does your partner lie about what they are spending? Research examines how financial infidelity can harm a relationship
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How accent bias can impact a person's job prospects
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Researchers explore the effects of the Black Lives Matter protests on racial bias
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Women are still underrepresented in local government, despite a woman running for president
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New high-rise schools need green spaces for students to grow
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1 in 5 parents worry their elementary and middle school aged kids don't have friends, poll suggests
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Why do Asian consumers love luxury shopping?
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Online news consumption has surpassed television, but broadcasters are still the most widely trusted in the UK
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Why rules don't work for some of the population
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Personality traits that are nourished by social media
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Social messaging in soap operas can prevent violence and intergroup conflict
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Can AI talk us out of conspiracy theory rabbit holes?
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Social connections and local identities found to influence how language spreads in different areas

Other news

Astronomers' new technique measures temperature of a star with high precision
Planetary Sciences
New study uncovers unexpected interaction between Mars and the solar wind
10,000-year-old human DNA provides insights into South African population history
Earth Sciences
Lake ice quality degrading as planet warms—skaters, hockey players, ice truckers on thin ice
Mussel-inspired adhesive comes unglued on command
Analytical Chemistry
Visible-light-antenna ligand enhances samarium-catalyzed reactions
Condensed Matter
Topological quantum computers a step closer with new method to 'split' electrons
Analytical Chemistry
AI model can reveal the structures of crystalline materials
Earth Sciences
How humans are affecting the Northern Hemisphere's wind patterns
Plants & Animals
Buzz-pollinating bees shake pollen loose with rapid vibrations and biting, study shows
Cell & Microbiology
The mystery of human wrinkles: What do the cells say?
Cell & Microbiology
Researchers uncover why cells struggle to fully change identity in reprogramming efforts
Plants & Animals
How do coexisting animals find enough to eat? Biologists unlock insights into foraging habits in Yellowstone
Observations provide crucial insights into the nature of a white dwarf–brown dwarf binary
Analytical Chemistry
Advances in hydrogen research: More efficient isotope separation in sight
Earth Sciences
Tropical cyclone intensity exacerbated by increasing depth of ocean mixed layer, finds study
General Physics
Findings hint at a superfluid phase in ²⁹F and ²⁸O
Cell & Microbiology
First-of-its kind tool allows scientists to manipulate cells without touching them
Political science
Study suggests political ideology is associated with differences in brain structure, but less so than previously thought
Plants & Animals
Genetic tracing at the Huanan Seafood market further supports COVID animal origins