Journal of Service Research is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes papers in the field of Business. The journal s editor is Katherine Lemon (Boston College). It has been in publication since 1998 and is currently published by SAGE Publications. Journal of Service Research is abstracted and indexed in, among other databases: SCOPUS, and the Social Sciences Citation Index. According to the Journal Citation Reports, its 2010 impact factor is 1.615, ranking it 39 out of 101 journals in the category ‘Business’.

SAGE Publications
United Kingdom
Impact factor
1.615 (2010)

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How AI alters middle managers' work

The introduction of artificial intelligence is a significant part of the digital transformation bringing challenges and changes to the job descriptions among management. A study conducted at the University of Eastern Finland ...

In the surcharge blame game, companies tend to finish last

Companies may bear the brunt of the blame for imposing surcharges on consumers, even when an outside agency foisted those charges on the company, according to an international team of researchers.

A problem shared can be a problem doubled

Customers perceive one and the same service problem very differently, depending on whether they are affected as individuals or in a group. Service failures that affect a group of customers cause them to be more annoyed with ...

Customer commitment has many faces, differs globally

Companies that want to increase customers' loyalty and get their repeat business would do well to understand the nuanced ways in which and reasons why a customer is committed to that company, according to a recent study by ...

Why companies don't learn from their mistakes

The mobile phone bill is not quite correct, the wrong food is served at a restaurant or the hotel room hasn't been properly cleaned: Most of us may have been annoyed about situations like these. Self-confident customers then ...

Peer problem solving leads to operational efficiency

Strength in numbers may not just be a truism for those seeking moral and emotional support, but it also may be an avenue for those seeking customer support. New research shows peer-to-peer problem solving can lessen the need ...

Don't forget the customers after mergers

( —Merging companies that focus on a dual-goal emphasis of simultaneously enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction show the highest increase in long-term financial performance, according to a new study from ...

The impact of consumption goals on flat-rate choice

Can you imagine a world where a subway ride becomes the highlight of your day? Where going to the laundromat isn't such a dreary duty? A recent study published in the Journal of Service Research found that our perception ...

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