Researchers discover molecular light switch in photoreceptor cells

How our eyes detect and respond to changes in light intensity is determined by specialized cells in the eye called photoreceptors. In addition to converting light into electrical signals, effectively allowing us to see, rod-shaped ...

Scientists confirm that chromosomes are formed by stacked layers

A new study based on electron microscopy techniques at low temperatures demonstrates that during mitosis, chromosome DNA is packed in stacked layers of chromatin. The research, published in EMBO Journal, confirms a surprising ...

Some long non-coding RNAs are conventional after all

Not so long ago researchers thought that RNAs came in two types: coding RNAs that make proteins and non-coding RNAs that have structural roles. Then came the discovery of small RNAs that opened up whole new areas of research. ...

How a shape-shifting DNA-repair machine fights cancer

( —Maybe you've seen the movies or played with toy Transformers, those shape-shifting machines that morph in response to whatever challenge they face. It turns out that DNA-repair machines in your cells use a similar ...

Signalling pathway links local and systemic plant immunity

( —When plants discover a pathogen, they prepare for system-wide attack so they are ready to fight on all levels. Working with colleagues, Annegret Ross and Yusuke Saijo of the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding ...

Study reveals how to better master stem cells' fate

( —USC scientist Qi-Long Ying and a team of researchers have long been searching for biotech's version of the fountain of youth—ways to encourage embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) to ...

CLAMP complex helps parasites enter human cells

Apicomplexan parasites are a group of single-celled organisms responsible for several serious and prevalent diseases, from malaria, to a severe childhood diarrhea (cryptosporidiosis), to toxoplasmosis—a disease that endangers ...

How plants use sugar to produce roots

Along with sugar reallocation, a basic molecular mechanism within plants controls the formation of new lateral roots. An international team of plant biologists has demonstrated that it is based on the activity of a certain ...

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