Deciphering the mechanism that determines organ size and shape

A study by IRB Barcelona's Development and Growth Control Laboratory, headed by ICREA researcher Marco Milán, reveals how Dpp and Wg morphogens regulate organ proportions and patterning of the fly wing through independent ...

How some mammals pause their pregnancies

How do some mammals postpone the development of their embryos to await better conditions for having offspring? A recent study at the UW Medicine Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine explored this reproductive ...

Recipe for making a fruitfly

Researchers have used mass spectroscopy to determine the absolute copy numbers of nuclear proteins and histone modifications in the Drosophila embryo. The results provide new insights into the mechanisms of animal development.

Buttons and flies help biologists solve longtime DNA mystery

Biologists at Johns Hopkins University have uncovered an important clue in the longtime mystery of how long strands of DNA fold up to squeeze into microscopic cells, with each pair of chromosomes aligned to ensure perfect ...

Size matters: How cells pack in epithelial tissues

Small-cell clones in proliferating epithelia—tissues that line all body surfaces—organize very differently than their normal-sized counterparts, according to a recent study from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research. ...

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