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Smartphone app can unmask forged documents

Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a smartphone app that can be used to check the authenticity of documents and other items. Extracts from the debt enforcement register of the City of Zurich are being made forgery-proof ...

Modular software for scientific image reconstruction

Scientists use an array of imaging instruments to look inside living organisms, sometimes as they move, and to observe inert objects without altering their state. Such instruments include telescopes, microscopes, CT scanners ...

New apps help researchers with statistical analyses of data

It's a sign of the times: an app store for omics enthusiasts. The Multi-Omics Analysis Portal (MAP) by the end of 2024 will be a one-stop shop for computer applications capable of making sense of various and vast omics data. ...

New code mines microscopy images in scientific articles

Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence transforming society by teaching computers to process information using artificial neural networks that mimic the human brain. It is now used in facial recognition, self-driving ...

NASA noise prediction tool supports users in air taxi industry

Several air taxi companies are using a NASA-developed computer software tool to predict aircraft noise and aerodynamic performance. This tool allows manufacturers working in fields related to NASA's Advanced Air Mobility ...

More news

Engineers and OpenAI recommend ways to evaluate large language models for cybersecurity applications
New software enables blind and low-vision users to create interactive, accessible charts
Food safety: Two-stage process of extraction and classification to identify ingredients in photos of food
Introducing Floorlocator, a system that enhances indoor navigation
Researcher: I created a 'cozy game' and learned how they can change players' lives
From Asteroids to Guitar Hero, World Video Game Hall of Fame finalists draw from 4 decades
Researchers develop new control method that optimizes autonomous ship navigation
Using generative AI to improve software testing
Innovative electricity system balancing tool helps keep Britain's lights on
Optimal shipping carton utilization
Is the future of open source software at risk due to protestware?
Ultra-fast generative visual intelligence model creates images in just 2 seconds
OpenAI's new generative tool Sora could revolutionize marketing and content creation
Artificial intelligence recognizes and learns to predict patterns in behavior from video
New machine learning method predicts future data patterns to optimize data storage
Ubisoft launches long-awaited 'Skull and Bones' video game
Electronic music with a human rhythm
A fully autonomous drone system for cinematography and wildlife monitoring
Bringing together real-world sensors and VR to improve building maintenance
App lets Indigenous Brazilians connect in own languages

Other news

Planetary Sciences
Potentially habitable 'exo-Venus' with Earth-like temperature discovered
General Physics
How a world record 'squeeze' could offer comfort for dark matter hunters
Analytical Chemistry
Novel liquid crystals produced by stacking antiaromatic units could lead to advances in organic semiconductors
Plants & Animals
Crows can deliberately plan how many calls to make, study shows
Plants & Animals
Study reveals key role of plant-bacteria communication for assembly of a healthy plant microbiome
Social Sciences
Stress bragging may make you seem less competent, less likable at work
Planetary Sciences
New Saturn-mass exoplanet detected by astronomers
Plants & Animals
Birdsong and human voice built from same genetic blueprint
Plants & Animals
Parents of the year: Scavenging raptors demonstrate high level of collaboration in raising chicks
Bio & Medicine
Team develops an intelligent nanodevice based on a component of cinnamon essential oil as an antimicrobial agent
Molecular & Computational biology
New 'atlas' provides unprecedented insights on how genes function in early embryo development
Birth of universe's earliest galaxies observed for first time
Earth 2.0 or its evil twin? Discovery of Earth-sized planet could shed light on conditions necessary for life
International planet hunters unveil massive catalog of strange worlds
Earth Sciences
Drought in the Brazil's Cerrado is the worst for at least seven centuries, study shows
Molecular & Computational biology
Researchers reveal dynamic structure of FLVCR proteins and their function in nutrient transport
Plants & Animals
Three sisters garden study finds balanced pollinator-plant network faces an uncertain future
Study: While most of the world trusts climate scientists, a skeptical minority can lead to climate inaction
Dangerous brew: Ocean heat and La Nina combo likely mean more Atlantic hurricanes this summer
Plants & Animals
Silky shark makes record breaking migration in international waters of the Tropical Eastern Pacific

Electronic music with a human rhythm

Electronically generated rhythms are often perceived as too artificial. New software now allows producers to make rhythms sound more natural in computer-produced music. Research at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and ...