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Encrypted 'Ghost' app: What we know

Police revealed Tuesday they had infiltrated and taken down an encrypted chat app called Ghost used by criminals across the world.

'Good complexity' can make hospital networks more cybersecure

In May, a major cyberattack disabled clinical operations for nearly a month at Ascension, a health care provider that includes 140 hospitals across the U.S. Investigators tracked the problem to malicious ransomware that had ...

Usable data hacked from air-gapped computer

A team of software and information systems engineers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Israel, has demonstrated an ability to extract useful data from an air-gapped computer. The group has posted a paper to the arXiv ...

Five notorious cyberattacks that targeted governments

Warfare is no longer confined to physical battlefields. In the digital age, a new front has emerged—cyberspace. Here, countries clash not with bullets and bombs, but with lines of code and sophisticated malware.

More news

Large language models can help detect social media bots—but can also make the problem worse
Human oversight of AI systems may not be as effective as we think—especially when it comes to warfare
Will congestion charging come with a privacy toll?
Rural hospitals may be more vulnerable to ransomware attacks
Using 'chaos engineering' to make cloud computing less vulnerable to cyber attacks
Consumer & Gadgets
How smart toys may be spying on kids: What parents need to know
Boosting online safety through behavioral nudges: Delay, remind, and secure
Space militarization could pose a challenge to global security, argues researcher
French police have arrested the founder of Telegram—what happens next could change the course of big tech
Future cybersecurity incidents are almost a certainty, asserts US policy arm of global computing society
Gift card scams generate billions for fraudsters and industry—how one 83-year-old fell into the 'fear bubble'
Computer Sciences
Researchers propose a smaller, more noise-tolerant quantum factoring circuit for cryptography
Health department now notifying Floridians whose information was stolen, leaked
Protecting connected, self-driving vehicles from hackers
Computer scientists discover vulnerabilities in a popular security protocol
Consumer & Gadgets
Can your smartwatch get hacked? Study shows what information is at risk
Opinion: Neurotechnology is becoming widespread in workplaces—and our brain data needs to be protected
The influence of optimism bias and loss aversion in cyber risk management decisions
Consumer & Gadgets
Complicated app settings are a threat to user privacy
Consumer & Gadgets
Numerous manufacturers use insecure Android kernels, analysis shows

Other news

Quantum Physics
Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows
Plants & Animals
'Pirate birds' force other seabirds to regurgitate fish meals. Their thieving ways could spread lethal avian flu
New biosensor illuminates physiological signals in living animals
Cell & Microbiology
New method developed to relocate misplaced proteins in cells
Earth Sciences
New tool to help decision makers navigate possible futures of the Colorado River
Many people in the Pacific lack access to adequate toilets—and climate change makes things worse
Saturday Citations: Football metaphors in physics; vets treat adorable baby rhino's broken leg
General Physics
Physicist reveals tailwind has negligible effect on cycling speed
General Physics
Scientists propose a new method to search for dark matter using LIGO
Mysterious Pacific Ocean sounds identified as a type of whale—a new AI app helps track them
Plants & Animals
Black garden ants modify the structure of their nests to mitigate fungal infection spread
Observers detect intraday variability of blazar 1ES 1426+42.8
A possible explanation for the 'missing plastic problem': New detection technique finds microplastics in coral skeletons
AI tools help uncover enzyme mechanisms for lasso peptides
Cell & Microbiology
Genome sequence analysis identifies new driver of antimicrobial resistance
Molecular & Computational biology
New data science tool greatly speeds up molecular analysis of our environment
Light momentum turns pure silicon from an indirect to a direct bandgap semiconductor
Planetary Sciences
Citizen science collaboration yields precise data on exoplanet WASP-77 A b
Earth Sciences
Study reveals large ocean heat storage efficiency during the last deglaciation
Bio & Medicine
Recharging mitochondria—nanoflowers offer a new way to simulate energy production to improve aging ailments

Protecting connected, self-driving vehicles from hackers

Emerging self-driving vehicle networks that collaborate and communicate with each other or infrastructure to make decisions are vulnerable to data fabrication attacks, according to a University of Michigan-led study that ...

Complicated app settings are a threat to user privacy

Default privacy settings in popular mobile apps seem like a convenience, allowing you to use a single setting to control the level of privacy—who can see which actions you take—across all of the app's functions. But default ...