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Q&A: Teaching robots to touch and interact like humans

Robots are widely used in the automotive industry and have started entering new application domains such as logistics in the last few years. However, current robots still face many limitations. They typically perform a single ...

Team develops versatile knee exoskeletons for safer lifting

A set of knee exoskeletons, built with commercially available knee braces and drone motors at the University of Michigan, has been shown to help counteract fatigue in lifting and carrying tasks. They helped users maintain ...

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Combining existing sensors with machine learning algorithms improves robots' intrinsic sense of touch
Stretching the possibilities of soft robots with flexible electronics
Teaching robots to use color in moving objects
Algorithm takes robots a step closer to being able to 'act on intuition'
Versatile microscale robots can fold into 3D shapes and crawl
Multimodal ultra-thin soft robots can explore narrow spaces for inspection and maintenance
Robot leg powered by artificial muscles outperforms conventional designs
Will humans accept robots that can lie? Scientists find it depends on the lie
UK research suggests that lighting, music, national flags could help customers find service robots more acceptable
Robot waiters in Kenya create a buzz. But there are concerns about what it means for human labor
AI technology and self-coordinating drones to detect and investigate wildfires
Robots are coming to the kitchen—what that could mean for society and culture
VoicePilot framework enhances communication between humans and physically assistive robots
Developing underwater robots to venture deep below polar ice
How drone attacks are changing the rules and the costs of the Ukraine war
Researchers develop a new humanoid platform for robotics research
Biohybrid robots controlled by electrical impulses in mushrooms
New two-finger robotic hand tackles everyday manipulation tasks in real-world experiments
Protecting electric grid health with drone-based power line inspection
Improving workplace safety: The Bilateral Back Extensor Exosuit

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AI predicts optical properties to speed up the discovery of energy and quantum materials
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Study finds gender influences fairness attitudes in children
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Hydrogen bonding discovery could transform the use of glowing properties in organic materials
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Archaeologists use metabolites in bones to identify smokers from centuries ago
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Research discovers protein that determines spiral shape of bacteria
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Ending jet lag: Scientists discover secret to regulating our body clock
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Whale shark shipping collisions may increase as oceans warm, predict researchers
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After injury, one species of comb jelly can fuse to become one
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Arctic ozone reaches record high in positive step for climate
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Robot mimics the powerful punch of the mantis shrimp

Mantis shrimp pack the strongest punch of any creature in the animal kingdom. Their club-like appendages accelerate faster than a bullet out of a gun and just one strike can knock the arm off a crab or break through a snail ...

These robots can move your couch

To train robots how to work independently but cooperatively, researchers at the University of Cincinnati gave them a relatable task: Move a couch.

First steerable catheter developed for brain surgery

A team of engineers and physicians has developed a steerable catheter that for the first time will give neurosurgeons the ability to steer the device in any direction they want while navigating the brain's arteries and blood ...

Magnets could offer better control of prosthetic limbs

For people with amputation who have prosthetic limbs, one of the greatest challenges is controlling the prosthesis so that it moves the same way a natural limb would. Most prosthetic limbs are controlled using electromyography, ...

Water-driven soft actuator developed

Sea cucumbers have a bumpy and oblong shape. They are soft but stiffen up quickly when touched. They can shrink or stretch to several meters, and their original shape can be recovered even after they die and shrivel up with ...