NASA researchers teach machines to 'see'

Your credit card company contacts you asking if you've purchased something from a retailer you don't normally patronize or spent more than usual. A human didn't identify the atypical transaction. A computer—equipped with ...

Toward language inference in medicine

Recent times have witnessed significant progress in natural language understanding by AI, such as machine translation and question answering. A vital reason behind these developments is the creation of datasets, which use ...

Using AI to create new fragrances

Skilled perfumers bring art and science together to design new fragrances, a talent that takes ten or more years to develop. Crafting a fragrance that leaves an impression is one of the most important components a consumer ...

Artificial intelligence will make you smarter

The future won't be made by either humans or machines alone – but by both, working together. Technologies modeled on how human brains work are already augmenting people's abilities, and will only get more influential as ...

AI and human creativity go hand in hand

What does AI look like? You might say it looks like a robot, or flashing LEDs, or a waveform on a screen. But what would AI say AI looks like? To find out, IBM Research asked AI to draw us a picture… of itself. AI's self-portrait ...

Using smartphone cameras to track alertness

Our level of alertness rises and falls over the course of a workday, sometimes causing our energy to drop and our minds to wander just as we need to perform important tasks.

Evolution is at work in computers as well as life sciences

Artificial intelligence research has a lot to learn from nature. My work links biology with computation every day, but recently the rest of the world was reminded of the connection: The 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry went ...

Using mobile data to model the drinking habits of Swiss youth

Researchers from Idiap Research Institute and EPFL have carried out a study using smartphone data from young Swiss people to better understand the circumstances in which they are most likely to drink. A computer model developed ...

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