Colored lobster rope could be safer for whales

(AP)—A researcher says preventing endangered North Atlantic right whales from becoming entangled in lobster gear could be as simple as changing the color of the rope.

Boom in jellyfish: Overfishing called into question

Will we soon be forced to eat jellyfish? Since the beginning of the 2000s, these gelatinous creatures have invaded many of the world's seas, like the Japan Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, etc. Is it a cyclic phenomenon, ...

The time is right for cod research

Despite the ongoing crisis in cod farming, the Research Council of Norway is investing NOK 21 million into research on cod larvae. "Right move at the right time," believes Professor Ivar Rønnestad.

Next-generation echo sounder ready

Norwegian researchers are putting the finishing touches on a new echo sounder that provides far more information than previous versions ever could – making it much easier to identify fish and zooplankton.

Marine plants can flee to avoid predators, researchers say

Scientists at the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography have made the first observation of a predator avoidance behavior by a species of phytoplankton, a microscopic marine plant. Susanne Menden-Deuer, ...

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