Scientists use underwater robot to spy on zooplankton at night

Zooplankton are the foundation of the marine food chain. These tiny organisms provide food and energy to fish, sea birds, and other marine mammals—including the bowhead whale, which feeds exclusively on zooplankton. What ...

Zooplankton resilient to long-term warming

Temperature plays an important role in the distribution of ocean plankton communities and has the potential to cause major distribution shifts, as recently observed in the Arctic.

New research reveals impact of seismic surveys on zooplankton

Marine seismic surveys used in petroleum exploration could cause a two to three-fold increase in mortality of adult and larval zooplankton, new research published in leading science journal Nature Ecology and Evolution has ...

UV-sensing protein in the brain of a marine annelid zooplankton

Researchers at Institute for Molecular Sciences reported that a photoreceptive protein expressed in the brain a marine annelid zooplankton (Platynereis dumerilii) is UV-sensitive. This work was carried out as a collaborative ...

Zooplankton filmed eating bits of plastic trash

(—A team of researchers and Verity White (a noted producer and director of nature films) has captured, for the first time on film, zooplankton feeding on bits of plastic—the type that has made its way into the ...

Wherefore art thou, dear zooplankton?

On a good day, corals make happy homes for photosynthetic algae. It's a cooperative setup, with the algae turning dissolved carbon dioxide into food for the coral and the coral providing a nice roof for the algae.

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