Related topics: protein

'Nanospears' could lead to better solar cells, lasers, lighting

( -- Growing - and precisely aligning - microscopic, spear-shaped zinc oxide crystals on a surface of single-crystal silicon, researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology may have developed a method ...

Nanoparticles present sustainable way to grow food crops

Scientists are working diligently to prepare for the expected increase in global population—and therefore an increased need for food production— in the coming decades. A team of engineers at Washington University in St. ...

Spinning CDs to clean sewage water

Audio CDs, all the rage in the '90s, seem increasingly obsolete in a world of MP3 files and iPods, leaving many music lovers with the question of what to do with their extensive compact disk collections. While you could turn ...

Zinc regulates the storage and release of neurotransmitters

Zinc is a vital micronutrient involved in many cellular processes: For example, in learning and memory processes, it plays a role that is not yet understood. By using nanoelectrochemical measurements, Swedish researchers ...

Search for element 113 concluded at last

The most unambiguous data to date on the elusive 113th atomic element has been obtained by researchers at the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science (RNC). A chain of six consecutive alpha decays, produced in ...

Chemists ID catalytic 'key' for converting CO2 to methanol

Capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) and converting it to useful chemicals such as methanol could reduce both pollution and our dependence on petroleum products. So scientists are intensely interested in the catalysts that facilitate ...

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