Room-temperature superconductor study retracted by Nature

A study published in March claiming the discovery of a superconductor that works at room temperature—a scientific holy grail—has been retracted by the high-profile journal Nature at the request of most of its authors.

Black holes: a model for superconductors?

Black holes are some of the heaviest objects in the universe. Electrons are some of the lightest. Now physicists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have shown how charged black holes can be used to model the ...

LHC now colder than deep space

( -- The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is once again colder than deep space as it is prepared for experiments to resume in late November.

Synchrotrons help bring superconductors out of the cold

( -- The longstanding search for a room temperature superconductor is fueled by a tantalizing set of possible applications that sound like science fiction: infinitely long power lines that never lose energy, magnetically ...

Rice's 'quantum critical' theory gets experimental boost

New evidence this week supports a theory developed five years ago at Rice University to explain the electrical properties of several classes of materials -- including unconventional superconductors -- that have long vexed ...

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