As heatwaves become more extreme, which jobs are riskiest?

Heat is more dangerous than the cold in most Australian regions. About 2% of deaths in Australia between 2006 and 2017 were associated with the heat, and the estimate increases to more than 4% in the northern and central ...

Managers must listen to workers of all ages on COVID-19 safety

The workplace is full of psychological hazards, including abusive supervisors and mistreatment from customers. But there are also physical hazards like falls from heights, working with faulty equipment and exposure to harsh ...

Young workers suffer longer from recessions

As the saying goes, last in, first out. It's particularly true for young workers in recessions when the impact on their earnings can last a lifetime.

For ants, unity is strength—and health

When a pathogen enters their colony, ants change their behavior to avoid the outbreak of disease. In this way, they protect the queen, brood and young workers from becoming ill. These results, from a study carried out in ...

'Values gap' in workplace can lead millennials to look elsewhere

Much has been made in popular culture about millennials as they join the working world, including their tendency to "job hop." Although this behavior often is explained as a loyalty issue, new research from the University ...

Honey bee teenagers speed up the ageing process of their elders

In honey bee colonies, a single queen is laying eggs from which thousands of worker bees are born. At a young age, workers care for the brood, then build and defend the nest and eventually, towards the end of their lives, ...

Paper: Young workers hit hardest by slow hiring during recessions

The saying "Youth is wasted on the young" may ring hollow to young workers who were unable to find work or begin building a career during the Great Recession. When hiring slows during recessions, the brunt of job losses is ...

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