Making mini-magnets that induce a quantum anomalous Hall effect

A new device has been fabricated that can demonstrate the quantum anomalous Hall effect, in which tiny, discrete voltage steps are generated by an external magnetic field. This work may enable extremely low-power electronics, ...

Organ-development discovery could boost battle against cancer

A new discovery from the University of Virginia School of Medicine has shed light on how our digestive tract, lungs and liver form, and that finding could have important implications for our understanding of cancer.

The many versions of a female scientist

Depictions of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are powerful sources of inspiration for young women who aspire to a career in those fields. But stereotypes of female scientists persist, and ...

Citizen scientists and VR software lend new insights to NASA data

Swirling disks of gas and dust, the stuff that could one day form planets, surround young stars. Through NASA's Disk Detective program, citizen scientists—volunteers from the public—collaborate with professional scientists ...

Physics Nobel belies Italy's scientific brain drain

Italian physicist Giorgio Parisi will receive a shared Nobel prize at a ceremony Monday, but behind the celebrations is consternation at the brain-drain that for years has seen many young scientists leave to work abroad.

COVID-19 disruptions hurt schoolkids the most

This month the few remaining countries in East Asia and the Pacific that had kept schools shuttered since the COVID-19 outbreak are reopening, some on a limited scale.

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