Professor moves Greek texts, Arabic translations online

Long before the Italians rediscovered original Greek sources during the Renaissance, Arab scholars recognized the importance of ancient science and philosophy and began translating precious writings into Arabic. Now, Classics ...

Printing complex cellulose-based objects

Researchers from ETH Zurich and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) have set a new world record: they 3-D printed complex objects with higher cellulose content than that of any other ...

The pen may be mightier than the keyboard

( -- When it comes to writing the pen apparently is mightier than the computer keyboard. Second, fourth and sixth grade children with and without handwriting disabilities were able to write more and faster when ...

Genres in writing: A new path to English language learning

Migration and globalization are placing thousands of second language learners in the classrooms of teachers who lack training in language instruction. As a result, schools face the challenge of preparing educators to foster ...

Elastic invisibility cloak hides materials from touch sense

In the past years, invisibility cloaks were developed for various senses. Objects can be hidden from light, heat or sound. However, hiding of an object from being touched still remained to be accomplished. KIT scientists ...

Lustrous-colored 3D printing using liquid crystals

What do cosmetics, car finishes, passports, bank notes, tropical insects, and oysters have in common? The color is formed through a specific microscopic organization of the matter making up the material, often called "iridescent" ...

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