Scientists dismiss the idea of travel through wormholes

A RUDN employee and Brazilian colleagues have called into question the concept of using stable wormholes as portals to different points of space-time. The results of the studies were published in Physical Review D.

What are Wormholes?

With all my enthusiasm for humanity's future in space, there's one glaring problem. We're soft meat bags of mostly water, and those other stars are really really far away. Even with the most optimistic spaceflight technologies ...

Webb Telescope's 'wormholes' in the clean room

(—This photo gives a "worms eye" view of a robot arm holding a surrogate or simulated mirror segment (black hexagonal shape) for NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. The arm is placing the surrogate into the test ...

Video: Can wormholes act like time machines?

Time travel into the past is a tricky thing. We know of no single law of physics that absolutely forbids it, and yet we can't find a way to do it, and if we could do it, the possibility opens up all sorts of uncomfortable ...

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