Galapagos fights temptation of lucrative mass tourism

With its iconic giant tortoises, crested black iguanas, huge ocean manta rays and a veritable menagerie of other cool creatures, the Galapagos Islands are one of the most beautiful places you will probably never visit.

Chile to ban plastic bags in coastal regions

Chile's President Michelle Bachelet signed a bill Wednesday that seeks to ban plastic bags in more than 100 coastal areas in a bid to halt the accumulation of ocean plastic.

Report finds staggering decline in Canada wildlife

Half of the vertebrate populations in Canada are in staggering decline, despite the country's vast outback, according to a WWF report Thursday that highlighted threats to beluga whales and caribou.

Harnessing nature to manage rising flood risk

Worldwide, flood risk will continue to rise as cities grow larger and rainstorms become more intense, making conventional engineering insufficient as the sole approach to flood management.  "Natural and Nature-Based Flood ...

WWF calls for fishing ban to save last of vaquita porpoises

The World Wildlife Fund on Monday called for a complete ban on fishing in the habitat of the vaquita porpoise, noting an international committee of experts has determined that fewer than 30 of the critically endangered mammals ...

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