Five-year period ending 2019 set to be hottest on record

A damning new UN report published Sunday said the world is falling badly behind in the race to avert climate disaster because of runaway warming, with the five-year period ending 2019 set to be the hottest ever.

Amazon fires stir bitter dispute over who is to blame

As fires raged in the Amazon rainforest, the Brazilian government on Thursday denounced international critics who say President Jair Bolsonaro is not doing enough to curb massive deforestation.

UN chief: Data shows July equaled or surpassed hottest month

The latest data from the World Meteorological Organization shows the month of July "at least equaled if not surpassed the hottest month in recorded history"—and it followed the hottest June ever, U.N. Secretary-General ...

Image: Siberian wildfires as seen from orbit

Hundreds of wildfires have broken out in Siberia, some of which can be seen in this image captured from space on 28 July 2019. Almost three million hectares of land are estimated to have been affected, according to Russia's ...

Super volcanic eruptions interrupt ozone recovery

Since the Antarctic ozone hole was detected in 1985, depletion of the ozone layer—the "big umbrella" that protects all life on Earth—has raised considerable concern. The efforts of international communities led to the ...

Pattern of Mozambique storms 'unprecedented': UN

The back-to-back cyclones that have ravaged Mozambique are unprecedented in recorded history, the UN said Friday, as it planned to examine the country's defences against extreme weather in the light of climate change.

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