Climate impacts 'to cost world $7.9 trillion' by 2050

Climate change could directly cost the world economy $7.9 trillion by mid-century as increased drought, flooding and crop failures hamper growth and threaten infrastructure, new analysis showed Wednesday.

New method of analyzing networks reveals hidden patterns in data

A new way of measuring how relationships in a network change over time can reveal important details about the network, according to researchers at Penn State and the Korean Rural Economic Institute. For example, when applied ...

Connected cars to untangle snarled traffic

A car that dials emergency services itself in case of a crash and warns its driver of traffic snarls ahead: Ford Motor Co.'s chief believes connected autos will pave the road to the future.

Britain urges global regulation of bitcoin

The British government called Thursday for global regulation of controversial virtual currency bitcoin, adding that the G20 would address the topic in March.

Science and research hit hard by US sequester cuts

Automatic spending cuts have hit America's science and research sectors especially hard, according to experts, who warn of potentially dire implications for the nation's overall competitiveness.

Humanity's overall environmental footprint is not sustainable

Substantial, fundamental changes in the world economy are required to reduce humanity's overall environmental footprint to a sustainable level. This is the conclusion of Arjen Hoekstra, professor of Water Management at the ...

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