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Why some women have real reason to fear the World Cup

( -- An academic at Royal Holloway, University of London is urging victims of domestic violence to have a plan in place should their partners turn violent during the World Cup, and to avoid the temptation of turning ...

Sony to film World Cup games in 3D

The upcoming FIFA World Cup games will for the first time be filmed in 3D and broadcast in selected public viewing areas across the world, technology company Sony said on Tuesday.

Credit card fraudsters take aim at World Cup

Jean-Pierre arrived on his South African holiday, withdrew some money from a cash machine, and hours later received a call from his bank to say that 300 euros had suddenly been charged to him.

Who gets to decide what counts as 'disorder'?

As a scholar of urban governance and data policy, I viewed the responses to protests on U.S. campuses as about more than threats to academic freedom and freedom of speech.

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