How anti-Asian racism manifested at work in the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic challenged any notion that Asian Americans are a privileged, white-adjacent group skirting above racism. To more fully understand how COVID-19 affected the racial dynamics experienced by Asian professionals ...

Research examines how gender impacts choices

When considering laws, workplace policies or school rules, one might take notice of whom they impact. New research from the University of New Mexico has found whether it's interventions to reduce workplace bullying, help ...

Defuse anger in the workplace with humor, expert says

Whether it is pressing deadlines, overwork, or employees feeling they are not being supported, anger in a work environment can be unavoidable. Over time, the anger and frustration can compound, causing anger to spread through ...

Rudeness between colleagues can lead to workplace bullying

Employees who have previously been the subject of rude behavior run a greater risk of being bullied at work. These are the findings of a year-long series of surveys carried out by a researcher at Malmö University. The findings ...

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