Skills are the new coin of the realm

Forget bitcoin—skills are the global currency for 21st century economies. Lori Foster, professor of Psychology at North Carolina State University and the University of Cape Town, says, "Without proper investment in skills, ...

What's holding women back from top-paying jobs?

The glass ceiling—the barrier women face in advancing to the top of their professions—has been surprisingly durable. Women are 45 percent of total employees at the biggest U.S. public companies but hold only about 20 ...

Lyft's first diversity report shows it's mostly white and male

Lyft's first diversity report, published Thursday, came with few surprises: The ride-hailing company's workforce - excluding its drivers, who are independent contractors and whose data was not tallied - is predominantly white ...

Policymakers 'flying blind' into the future of work

Will a robot take away my job? Many people ask that question, yet policymakers don't have the kind of information they need to answer it intelligently, say the authors of a new study from the National Academies of Sciences, ...

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