Personalized factory workstations

Tomorrow's factory jobs will be completely different from those of today. Although they will continue to be organized around assembly stations, they will not work in rigid shifts, be subject to inflexible processes, or be ...

Ozone levels have sizeable impact on worker productivity

Researchers in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health assessed the impact of pollution on agricultural worker productivity using daily variations in ozone levels. Their ...

Telework delivers increases in productivity and wellbeing

Researchers at the University of Melbourne's Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society, (IBES) have found teleworking, increases productivity and wellbeing and results in many positive benefits for individuals.

Experts raise concerns over superhuman workplace

Performance-boosting drugs, powered prostheses and wearable computers are coming to an office near you—but experts warned in a new report Wednesday that too little thought has been given to the implications of a superhuman ...

Age is no barrier in the workplace

( -- Older managers bring as much value to an organisation as their younger counterparts, according to new research.

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